NEWS .|. EVENTS .|. ART.|. ARTiSTS .|. MUSiC .|. CONTACT .|. JOiN .|. LiNKS.|. MAP.|. PiNG THiNGS

• Thursday June 20th . 7 - 9:00pm ET . DRONE:KLUB:45
a DRONE:KLUB gathering @ Long & McQuade Clinic Hall
935 Bloor St. W., 2nd Floor, Toronto
7:00pm - 9:00pm . FREE for all

Jamie Todd of dreamSTATE LiVE at THE AMBiENT PiNG - Photo by Mario Georgiou


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and updates on upcoming shows plus special announcements.
Your e-mail address will never be sold or traded and will be used only for updates
from THE AMBiENT PiNG, dreamSTATE and URM.


PiNG bookings


JOiN THE AMBiENT PiNG EMAiL LiST for future announcements.


For use of PiNG photos and for things PiNG: Jamie Todd


Info, etc.


















Scott M2 of dreamSTATE  LiVE at THE AMBiENT PiNG - Photo by Mario Georgiou

Mara's Torment LiVE at THE AMBiENT PiNG - Photo by Jamie Todd